Monday, August 24, 2020
The True Authorship Of The Shakespearean Works Essay Example For Students
The True Authorship Of The Shakespearean Works Essay Ask any individual what shakespeare's identity was, and the person will quickly run through at any rate three distinct plays that were required readings in English, also a couple of blockbuster motion pictures bearing his name. Many worship crafted by Shakespeare as central in the realm of writing, devoting whole books, classes and celebrations to the examination and festivity of his work. Despite the fact that the old language is a typical hindrance for even the most prepared perusers, his fluctuated stories of affection, despise, dread, treachery, giggling, destruction and triumph are similarly as fitting today as they were 400 years back. He is incredibly ageless. However, while we may know what Shakespeare is, will we ever truly know what shakespeare's identity was? Ok, theres the rub!Much about the Bard is a secret to even the most insightful aficionados. The hard realities that are really thought about him could fill one flawlessly written by hand page, however what is guessed and complete legend could fill volumes of books. All in all, what is truth and what is fiction? As per the little documentation that accounts his life, Shakespeare was not so much as a genuine Shakespeare by any stretch of the imagination; he was conceived in April 1596 and entered in the baptismal record as Gulielmus filius Johannis Shakspere. Indeed, even his genuine date of birth is fairly a puzzle. While we do realize that he was sanctified through water on April 26th, 1564, there is no current record of his introduction to the world date. We can accept that he was conceived on April 23rd deciding by the standard three-day time frame that most families held up before sanctifying through water their youngsters, however this is just hypothesis. Since the records of the Stratford sentence structure school have not endure, we can't demonstrate that Shakespeare went to class. Truth be told, we have no proof that he was even proficient. His dad had no instructive preparing, so it is very conceivable that he likewise needed tutoring, yet that is just mystery. The following bit of hard data that we run over in our inquiry is a register section indicating a Wm. Shaxpere being conceded a permit to wed Anne Whateley on November 27, 1582. The following day this equivalent register records a marriage bond gave to William Shagspere and Anne Hathwey. A half year later Anne brought forth their first kid, girl Susanna Shakspere, and afterward in February 1585 she brought forth twins, Hamnet and Judith. It is assumed that Shakespeare made it to London around 1595 to start his profession in the theater, however the specific date isn't known without a doubt. Similarly as secretive is his motivation behind why he disregarded his better half a nd youngsters in Stratford. Unfortunately, Hamnet passed on in August of 1596, and starting now and into the foreseeable future we have no more data in regards to his family until 1616, the time of his demise. There are sufficient authoritative archives and theater records, however, to realize that Shakespeare proceeds to have a liberal measure of land, hold partakes in an acting organization that manufactured the Globe Theater, and become an essential player in the acting gathering The Kings Men (A Midsummer Nights Dream xxx-xxxi). There are numerous hypotheses and stories coasting around that appear to fill in the vast gaps in his course of events, yet since this data doesnt show up in a register or on a playbill, we dont comprehend what is certainty or fiction. On January 25th, 1616, Shakespeare signs his will in three spots leaving most of his domain to his oldest girl, Susanna, and his second-best bed to his significant other (All Shakespeare). He kicked the bucket three months after the fact on April 23rd, and was covered in Stratford, yet his name doesn't show up on the stone over his grave. Agreeing the site All Shakespeare, his alleged headstone reads:Good companion for Iesus Sake forbeareTo burrow the residue encloased heare:Blest be ye man yt saves thes stonesAnd curst be he yet moves my bones. It doesnt sound exceptionally Shakespearian, does it?Seven years after his passing his gathered plays were distributed as Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, Tragedies (the work currently known as the First Folio) (Midsummer Nights Dream xxxii). Everything past this is fantasy and legend, which definitely adds to the fascination of his works. His splendid composing must be improved by the riddle encompassing his life. The inquiry is, was it actually his splendid composition? Numerous hypotheses exist in regards to who the creator truly is, with more than eighty Elizabethans set forward since the center of the eighteenth century as the genuine Shakespeare, including Queen Elizabeth herself. Just four have justified genuine thought, however: Sir Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, William Stanley (Sixth Earl of Derby), and Edward de Vere, the seventeenth Earl of Oxford (Shakespeare-Oxford). For space, (and individual inclination), this paper will concentrate on the chance of de Veres origin, just as the impediments on Shakespeares genuine creation of the works. Differentiating the life of William Shakespeare, much is thought about the life of Edward de Vere. He was conceived on April twelfth, 1550 in Essex at Castle Hedingham as the seventeenth Earl of Oxford. As in Hamlet, his mom remarried in scurry upon his dads troublesome passing, making him ward of the court, and in this way positioned into th e consideration of William Cecil (Lord Burghley), Lord Treasurer of England. As a young person a Latin researcher (whose English interpretation of Ovids Metamorphoses is the second most persuasive work for Shakespeare, close to the good book), guided him. By the age of twenty, de Vere had gotten two experts degrees from Queens College in Cambridge, and read law for a long time at Grays Inn. Once Cecil could employ control over the youthful Earl of Oxford, he severed a past marriage contract and rather pledged him to his girl Anne for the political progression of the Cecil group. In spite of the fact that the marriage delivered three enduring little girls, it was anything but a cheerful one; Anne kicked the bucket in 1588 (Shakespeare-Oxford). De Vere is recorded as the first among the artists of the Elizabethan time frame, and was additionally a functioning producer at that point. He kept up a band of tumblers just as two performance center organizations, Oxfords Boys and Oxfords Me n, all through the 1580s. He held a vigorous enthusiasm for learning, and had 33 works of writing committed to him. He had an energy for movement, was a benefactor to expressions of the human experience, and by and large was a most loved in the court. To put it plainly, he was accomplished and voyage, and had a solid information on the internal operations of the court. Up until now, he is by all accounts in any event able to have composed crafted by Shakespeare. Britain Government: 1500-1789 EssayIn a 1589 book of verse and writers, there is a baffling reference to men of the court who have endured it to be distributed without their own names to it and proceeds to specify Edward de Vere as the best of these subject artists if just his doings would be discovered and made open with the rest. At the point when Oxford died in 1604, King James had eight Shakespeare plays delivered at court as a last tribute. At the point when his widow kicked the bucket nine years after the fact, fourteen Shakespeare plays were created in tribute. At that point in 1623, when two siblings set up Shakespeares First Folio, one of the men happened to be de Veres child in-law. There are likewise numerous similitudes between crafted by Shakespeare and the life of de Vere. For instance, in 1573 de Vere and a few of his companions would play tricks and deceives on voyagers along a similar street among Rochester and Gravesend where ruler Hals sidekicks from the Boars Head Tavern did in like manner in Henry IV, Part 1. (As a side note, its fascinating that the Vere family peak highlighted a pigs head on it.) Another progressively evident model is the striking likenesses among Hamlet and the real existence of the Earl of Oxford. Its for all intents and purposes a personal history. Researchers have concurred that William Cecil enlivened the character of Polonius, and the demise of the King immediately followed by the Queens marriage reflects de Veres own parental conditions. The likenesses exist in the Shakespearean Sonnets too. In Sonnet 37 and 66 he talks about a disappointing weakness, not once, yet a few times. William Shakespeare may have been numerous things, yet no place has it been archived that he was harmed in a manner that would have rendered him weak. Then again, de Vere was engaged with a blade battle with a man named Knyvet who was looking for vengeance on a misguidedly borne youngster by his cousin Ann Vavasour. The battle produced a vast injury on de Veres leg, and the ill-conceived kid made a brief tumble from the Queens effortlessness and time served in the Tower of London. The latest and convincing proof that has been discovered supporting the Earl of Oxford lies in the investigations of an alumni understudy Roger Stritmatter. He has gone through the most recent five years inquiring about the Shakespeare origin question, and in the process found de Veres hand-commented on duplicate of the book of scriptures. It contains in excess of a hundred stanzas set apart by de Vere that are additionally perceived by researchers today as essential scriptural references in Shakespeares work. For example, In Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 3,hamlet states that He took my dad terribly, loaded with bread. The words brimming with bread have for quite some time been perceived by researchers as a kind of perspective to Ezekiel part 16, refrain 49. Over a range of more than 300 refrains in the book of Ezekiel, he stamps just one: Ezekiel 16:49. Another model is in King Henry IV, Part Two, the character Falstaff conveys the affront whoreson Achitophel! This is an immediate reference to II Samuel 16:23, which de Vere underlined. In The Merry Wives of Windsor Falstaff gloats, I dread not Goliath with a weavers bar. Not exclusively is has de Vere denoted the scriptural source; he likewise underlined the words weavers bar inside the scriptural refrain (Van Duyn). In all actuality, citing Jesus from the sacred writings isn't actually wonderful, however these are not normal sacred texts they are ones that are arcane. Its past incident. Unexpectedly, his book of scriptures was found in the incomparable Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, and has been there sinc
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Interest Rates Rise in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Loan fees Rise in the UK - Essay Example These impacts brought about by a low expansion, low intrigue, yet profoundly charge economy are the results that are a present and proceeding to foil monetary seriousness and harmony over the UK producing base. This task hence looks to consider a portion of the purposes behind the causes and impact of increment in loan fees that are currently giving causal impacts over the economy. Specifically the economy of the USA, that has been a focal point of worry across budgetary segment businesses in the UK. Remarking on the impact that world loan fees have on local financing costs, Mr King said that: We take a gander at the harmony among request and gracefully, we ask ourselves what goes into that equalization and there is no uncertainty that what's going on in the remainder of the world is a key contribution to that appraisal. In any case, the manner by which abroad loan fee changes influence our judgment is exclusively as a contribution to that judgment. every national bank are unmistakably centered around meeting their own value security goals. Obviously they consider the remainder of the world, however they don't state 'Gracious gosh, Jean-Claude has set up loan fees, maybe we should stay aware of him'; it isn't that way (House of Lords 2006 p.10). In this manner, the financial matters of harmony are a power that must be related in that the versatility of the economy is an essential part of money related housekeeping in every World economy and in spite of the reality an economy should predominately think about its own monetary approaches, instead of being influenced by other financial choices. The tricky territory of advantage is likewise a critical factor while thinking about the degree of effect on an economy, in a similar report, the select council examined the ongoing improvements in resource the board in the USA which has tainted the social economies that have depended on specifically, refering to Mr Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the US Fed. expressed that: Some portion of the issue concerning the connection between cash development and swelling is that for some families cash property are a benefit, as they are a type of sparing just as a wellspring of potential buying power. The down-turn in securities exchanges in 2000 may have caused a trip into cash thus started the development in M4. With the development of non-bank money related delegates, and the expanded utilization of home loan withdrawal dependent on
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Writing Original Persuasive Essays
Writing Original Persuasive EssaysWriting original persuasive essays is all about creating a story. If you have ever read an essay and thought, 'This essay really didn't come from the writer's heart' you have seen how the power of storytelling can influence the reader. You need to use your storytelling skill to your advantage when writing original persuasive essays.Use your imagination to help you decide on the story you want to tell in your persuasive essay. Make it something that goes against the grain or contradicts the prevailing opinion. It can be as creative as you want it to be. The key to storytelling is making it real and to use it to influence the reader so they accept your argument for what it is.When writing an original persuasive essay, you have to show the reader why you are right and what you are doing to prove that point. Use your story to do this. Every time you give your reader something that makes them doubt your point of view, use the power of storytelling to back up your points.Some examples of persuasive essay topics that use storytelling to show how the opposing views can be explained away are: Motives for War, What Are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana? Using the stories you can show why you believe in what you do.Stories in persuasive essays are used to get the reader to hear your voice and they act as anchors that keep you grounded in reality. If you write a persuasive essay without any story, the reader might stop listening because they can't understand what you are saying.When writing an original persuasive essay, you have to write under a deadline. Your essay must be compelling enough to persuade the reader to do whatever you are asking them to do. You should have the goal of getting them to do what you want them to do.Try using a persuasive essay topic that you already know. It will help you think of new ways to convince the reader and show them that their thinking isn't right. The stories you create should have some kind of payoff and it should impact your readers on some level.Write persuasively and make a persuasive essay, you can be proud of. Make sure you use your storytelling skills to help you present your arguments effectively.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Disparities in Education of Minorities in the...
The problem of educational disparities among various ethno-racial groups that make up the United States has been a long studied topic. Theories have ranged widely in what they consider as the primary factors for these disparities. Biological and individualist perspectives have cited inherent genetic inferiorities as the cause of these disparities. Others have taken into account social forces but have maintained that the cause is due to the creation of a culture of subordination and poverty that does not allow social advancement. Still others have tended to focus on systemic inequalities and on the roles of prejudice and discrimination (Sidanius et al, 1998). This paper will attempt to frame the issue of educational disparitiesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦138). These hierarchies are based on various factors such as social class, religion, nationality, race, ethnicity, or any other social distinction recognized by both society and the individual. Along with pointing out what other, mainly sociological, theories have highlighted about social stratification, SDT considers structural factors and makes the important step in considering psychological factors. Along with considering these different factors, SDT recognizes the way structural factors (i.e. institutional and societal) create psychological factors (i.e. attitudes) and how those in turn influence structural differences through mutual constitution (Sindanius et al, 1998). SDT is most clearly exemplified in issues dealing with the criminal justice system. For example, in 1995, almost one third (32.2%) of all young African American males across the U.S. between the ages of 20 and 29 were under some form of criminal justice supervision. An even more striking statistic shows that in 1996, 40% of African American males in California in the same age range were either in prison, in jail, or onShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Action Is Not Necessary1511 Words à |à 7 PagesThe purpose of affirmative action is to allow equal access to employment to create a workforce that reflects the demographics of a qualified workforce in the relevant job market for all minorities, people with disabilities and women (Human Resources). It wasnââ¬â¢t until President Nixon who proposed the Philadelphia Plan that imposed racial hiring quotas on the cityââ¬â¢s construction industry, affirmative action then became an issue of race causing the cases of reverse racism to rise ( Kahlenberg 2 ). ThoughRead MoreHigher Education And Racial Disparities1133 Words à |à 5 PagesHigher Education and Racial Disparities in United States Racial disparity has been a hot topic lately in America. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Gap Analysis Gap Inc. - 879 Words
GAP Inc. is the parent company of Old Navy, Banana Republic, Piperlime, Athleta and INTERMIX. GAP was opened created by Doris and Don Fisher in 1969, established because they couldnââ¬â¢t find a pair of jeans that fit. Now, 46 years later there are 3700 stores and more than 150,000 stores, even with stores open in China and Italy. GAP was founded on the principles of creativity, delivering results, doing whatââ¬â¢s right and always thinking of customers first (Gap Inc., n.d.). 46 years later, GAP still operates on the same principles. Stocked with jeans and music playing in the background, GAP completely changed the face of the retail store when they first opened. GAP Inc. is a force in the transformation of the retail product, and has been a leader in reformatting the retail scene with successful location strategies and widely distributing all of the GAP Inc. brands (Marston Modarres, 2002). GAP had the desire to do things their way, and focus on delivering casual, American style. Over the years, GAP opened more and more stores, and several new brands that each offered a different environment, quality of clothing, and price point. Yet, each brand still held the same values as established by the first store opened by GAP in 1969. Observable Artifacts are the physical signs of an organizationââ¬â¢s dominate culture (Baack, 2012). GAPââ¬â¢s deep rooted values makes them committed to contributing to the people, environment and communities around them. GAP Inc. has adopted manyShow MoreRelatedGap Analysis : Gap Inc.2629 Words à |à 11 PagesIntroduction The Gap, Inc. or just Gap inc. was incorporated on the fifteenth of april 1988. Gap may be a +multinational company that deals principally in attire retail. aside from attire the corporate offers a good array of each accessories, and private care merchandise for men, girls and kids of all ages beneath the names Gap, country, Old Navy, Piperlime, Athleta, and mingle brands. The Companyââ¬â¢s brands ar distributed through multiple channels and geographies within the international retail marketplaceRead MoreGap Analysis : The Gap Inc.1257 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Gap began as a single store in San Francisco in 1969 managed by Donald and Doris Fisher. At first the only items sold were Blue Jeans and records; which at the time was becoming part of Americans standard wardrobes. Most importantly Mr. Fisher emphasized great prices and a good fitting jean compared to Levi Strauss Co. As the years went by Gap Inc. began to sell more than just blue jean; specializing themselves in products for men, women, and children. The company prides themselves in casual-styleRead MoreGap Analysis : Gap Inc. Essay712 Words à |à 3 Pages Gap Inc. ââ¬Å"is a leading global retailer offering clothing, accessories and personal care products for men, women and children under the Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Athleta and Intermix brands.â⬠(Gap Inc.) I chose Gap Inc. because I frequently shop at their brand name stores like Old Navy. Gap Inc. has over 3,300 stores operated worldwide in more than 90 countries. Gap Inc. also support many not-for-profit cause and every year a link is sent to the customers after one of their shopping experienceRead MoreGap Inc Swot Analysis1524 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction / History Gap Inc. was inspired by the struggle of a married couple Donald Fisher and his wife Doris Fisher, who together raised $63,000 to open their own store in San Franciscoââ¬â¢s Ocean Avenue. They sold primarily Leviââ¬â¢s jeans and LP records, the records were sold to attract young people into the store. With the stores gained popularity it earned $2 million in its second year of operation. With all the success of their first store they opened their second store in San Jose in 1970 followingRead MoreGap in Strategic Management Analysis of Gap Inc830 Words à |à 4 PagesStrengths Large network of physical stores Gap, the company, has a large network of physical locations. At the beginning of February 2008, the company had 3,167 stores, including 1,249 in the US and 1,918 in international locations such as Canada, the UK, France and Japan. Gap has also entered franchise agreements to operate Gap stores or Gap and Banana Republic stores in Singapore, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Indonesia, and Korea. Comparatively, Gapââ¬â¢s competitorRead MoreManaging Change Within The Business Sector1330 Words à |à 6 Pagesorganization more opportunities and teamwork among employees. Sustaining Phase of the Cycle of Change Leaders in change for Citi, or any business, have the task to prepare, implement, and sustain changes in the workplace. Each of these components needs analysis, communication, and monitoring. However, if Citi desires the improvements to stay, and not be a short term occurrence, the sustain phase in this cycle must have equal mapping and preparation to adequately meet Citiââ¬â¢s long term goals. Once processesRead MoreSituational Analysis For Gap Inc1932 Words à |à 8 PagesSituational Analysis for Gap Inc. To get a better idea of how Gap Inc. is doing overall a variance analysis must be done. In addition various financial ratios must also be calculated. For the variance analysis the fiscal years of 2013 and 2015 are being examined and compared. The financial ratios that will be looked at are: working capital, current ratio, quick ratio, debt to equity ratio, debt to total assets ratio, inventory turnover, capital assets turnover, total assets turnover, return on totalRead MoreGap, Inc. Portfolio Analysis5707 Words à |à 23 PagesGap, Inc. Portfolio Analysis [pic] Company Overview: Gap, Inc. is a leading American specialty apparel retailer based in San Francisco, California. It sells casual apparels, accessories, and other personal care products for men, women, and children. The products of Gap, Inc. include denim, khakis, T-shirts, boxers, casual wear, and others. It is traded in New York Stock Exchange under the symbol GPS. Currently, the company boasts approximately 150,000 employees and 3,139 stores all aroundRead MorePest Analysis of Gap Inc1178 Words à |à 5 PagesPEST Analysis for GAP Politics Globalization has been a current trend to every industry which also includes the apparel and fashion industry in which is due to the construction of import international facilities and establishment. It has been noted that when products are traded, regulations and policies are present. With these regulations and policies, companyââ¬â¢s operations may be impaired. Some countries also control the entrance of foreign companies which would also affect the process ofRead MorePest Analysis of Gap Inc1171 Words à |à 5 PagesPEST Analysis for GAP Politics Globalization has been a current trend to every industry which also includes the apparel and fashion industry in which is due to the construction of import international facilities and establishment. It has been noted that when products are traded, regulations and policies are present. With these regulations and policies, companyââ¬â¢s operations may be impaired. Some countries also control the entrance of foreign companies which would also affect the process of operation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Open Adoption vs. Closed Adoption Free Essays
Many children are adopted each year, and with these children being adopted there are adoptions. There are many forms of adoption used throughout the world, but the biggest forms of adoption are closed adoption and open adoption. Open adoptions are adoptions in which the birthmother, the biological mother of an adoptee, is allowed contact with the adoptee. We will write a custom essay sample on Open Adoption vs. Closed Adoption or any similar topic only for you Order Now Closed adoption is an adoption where the birthmother of the adoptee is not present in the childââ¬â¢s life in any way shape or form. The birth family is completely cut off and cannot give or receive any information regarding their welfare or the adopteeââ¬â¢s. Closed adoptions are a better option than open adoption and should be mandatory because it would prevent confusion the child may face, allow children to actually fit into their adoptive family, provide privacy and closure and protect families from unstable birthparents. Having multiple sets of parents creates confusion in a family, and mostly for the child. ââ¬Å"Adoption was created out of the recognition that children need to feel secure about who their parents are and what their parentââ¬â¢s role isâ⬠(Harnack 84). This is whatââ¬â¢s best for the child in most if not all adoptions. The child needs to know who exactly is their parent, not a birthparent but the adoptive parent. Adoptive parents are permanent and a child may not grasp that idea with a tentative parent; the birth parent. When a child does not know who their parent is, it creates trouble. The child may even seek out trouble. Children are developing and such an unstable family creates really harsh developmental issues within the adoptee. All children need to know who their parents are and be able to trust that their parents are not going to leave them. Having a birth parent around makes things difficult for everyone, but most importantly the adoptee. The adoptee may have a reduced ability to assimilate into family-Interaction with the birth family may make it harder for the child to assimilate into the adoptive familyâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Open Adoption: Disadvantagesâ⬠). This is one of many examples of how adoptive families are not as whole and full as they could potentially be because of problems wit h the birth parent. The feeling of rejection from a birthmother can seriously impact the intellectual growth and development of an adoptee. A recent interview of an adoptee provided more evidence and demonstrated how the privacy provided with a closed adoption would give the adoptive parents more closure. The fourteen year old adoptee learned about her closed adoption ten years ago when she was four, her parents wanted to wait to tell her until she was eighteen but the adoptee found out through another family member. So then the adoption became open allowing the adoptee contact with her birth mother. ââ¬Å"Now,â⬠said the adoptee ââ¬Å"I speak with my birthmother more than I do my momâ⬠(Anonymous). Her birthmother being a big part of her life, the adoptee is losing her relationship with her adoptive parents. Her adoptive parents feel that if the birthmother wasnââ¬â¢t so intrusive in their lives that they would have a better relationship with their daughter. This is why the closure and privacy involved in a closed adoption is so critical. Although there are so many benefits in a closed adoption some people still argue that open adoption is not completely the worst option in some cases. Among those arguing are adoptees who develop clinical illnesses in their lifetime. One thing a doctor may ask when a patient is diagnosed with a disease is for medical history. An adoptee in a closed adoption does not have access to their medical history, that information is sealed at a court house as with the contact information of the birthfamily. In some cases the birth family is contacted and refuses to give up the vital information that would be beneficial in the treatment of a patient. ââ¬Å"When an adoptee is denied medical informationâ⬠¦ he may feel like and adult who has no rights whatsoeverâ⬠(Eldridge 269). An open adoption would ensure a medical history and prevent the scandal of being without, but this positive factor of open adoption does not outweigh the benefits of the closed adoption. One of those benefits includes escaping the risk of ââ¬Å"an unstable birthparent [who] could cause problemsâ⬠(Adamec). Many times adoptions occur because the birthparent is unsuited to raise the child. This includes birthparents who abuse drugs, are unemployed or even felonious. Unstable birthparents provide bad examples for adoptees and much of the time influence adoptees. Children have very malleable minds; this is why it is so easy for children to learn. They pick up traits and learn bad habits through the time they spend with their birthparents. There have also been worse cases, for example there are cases where birthparents kidnap the adoptee. The adoptive parents and the adoptee should never have to face the stress or trauma an unstable birth parent would cause. Open adoption has become conventional, almost a standard for adoptions. Closed adoptions are almost unheard of in this day and age. One would think with all the benefits of a closed adoption it would be the standard, but such is not the case. Closed adoptions are a better option because it helps adoptees to actually fit into their adoptive family, helps prevent confusion in an adoptee, provides privacy and closure, and protect the adoptive families from unstable birthfamilies. Work Cited Adamec, Christine. ââ¬Å"â⬠Openâ⬠or ââ¬Å"Closedâ⬠Adoption? â⬠Family Education. Pearson Education, Inc. , 2004. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. http://life. familyeducation. com/adoption/birth-parents/45775. html. Anonymous. Personal interview. 22 February 2013. Eldridge, Sherrie. Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew. New York: Dell Publishing, 1999. Print. Harnack, Andrew. Adoption Opposing Viewpoints. Miami: San Val Incorporated, 1995. Print. ââ¬Å"Open Adoption: Disadvantages. â⬠American Pregnancy Association. N. p. , Oct. 2008. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. http://americanpregnancy. org. How to cite Open Adoption vs. Closed Adoption, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
International Trade and Its Effects on Globalization
Introduction The evolving world has proved that nations are indeed exchanging goods and services and strengthening interdependence. Many nations are involved in both inbound and outbound trade by importing the products and human resources that the country does not possess and exporting their surplus outputs.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on International Trade and Its Effects on Globalization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More International trade provides a pathway that encourages interdependence across nations though the exchange of goods and services. International trade influences globalization by strengthening the relationship between nations. In essence, globalization is the move from independent nations to interdependent nations. Every nation is obliged to produce what it is capable of producing in maximum levels, trade what is in surplus, and obtain what it lacks from the other nations. International trade is one of the core factors that have facilitated the growth of globalization. It enhances integration of the global economy, where people find it easy to produce and sell their products. International trade has enabled nations to break the trade barriers and trade freely (Bentes, Davis, Ryan, Sales, Underwood, 2011). Unlike in earlier days when the free flow of goods and services was prohibited, international trade has helped in eradicating the trade barriers. Currently, companies are able to outsource production raw materials as well as skilled labor to enhance their production process. With the integration of raw materials from different nations, the companies are able to produce high quality products, which are sold both in local and international markets. International trade has played a great role in strengthen the interdependence of nations by enhancing the emergence of global institutions. Global institutions such as the World Trade Organization (WHO) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) play a significant role in driving globalization. The global institutions encourage investment in foreign countries and this has helped in upgrading the sluggish economy of such countries. Globalization and international trade have enabled undeveloped countries, mainly in Africa, to have the privilege of receiving products and services from esteemed organizations. It is evident that most electronic and automobile products are manufactured in developed countries, and it is only through international trade that the developing nations can access them. Globalization has enabled companies to have Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) across nations. The FDIââ¬â¢s reap mutual benefits to both the investors and the individuals in the investment country.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In essence, international trade has influenced the gr owth and expansion of globalization and the entire world is slowly becoming a global village. This paper will base its discussions on the topic, international trade and its effects on globalization. It will start by giving a brief historical background of the discussion topic, and thereafter, it will give a detailed discussion of the ways in which international trade has indeed achieved globalization. Historical background of international trade and globalization International trade and globalization came into full effect after the World War II. At that time, the factors of production were immobile, where; colonialists structured and controlled global trade. The raw materials as well as finished products were less mobile and the international organizations had to reconstruct and organize the disarrayed world after the war. There was a need to create an integrated economic system for those nations that were interested in forming an array. When some allied nations agreed to form an in ternational cohesion, they envisioned the creation of international organizations. Their visions gave birth to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in 1944. International trade would obviously involve various nations that operate using different currencies. The 44 allied nations set up the IMF to manage the international monetary system, where, the involved nations agreed on having cooperation between the nations and thus, they fixed a parity of currencies. Before the establishment of the IMF, the United States had the powers to manipulate the exchange rate of the US dollar. However, thereafter the IMF came into being; no state was in a position to influence the exchange rates, as all the involved nations had to adhere to the terms and conditions of the IMF. In addition to the formation of the IMF and the World Bank, GATT formulated during the same period to facilitate the formation of an integrated economic system across the world. A favorable legal and physical environment facilitated the growth of international trade. Regional trade agreements emerged during the 1980s and most importantly, invention of containerization enhanced the flow of goods across trade-integrated regions. The international organizations facilitated international trade activities that grew from one region to another. Foreign direct investments surged thereafter, and multinational corporations started forming. Currently, the world is at the global production network phase. International trade has taken a new form, from regional integration to global integration. There are complex networks that facilitate the communication process and the global production process. International trade and globalization have strengthened international growth though the enhanced logistics of telecommunication. Firms can now operate across the world comfortably. International business managers can outsource raw materials at considerably cheap prices, do the productions process wherever t hey can minimize the productivity costs, and seek markets where they would maximize their profits (Soros, 2002).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on International Trade and Its Effects on Globalization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The establishment and growth of international trade agreements was a key element to globalization. Essentially, globalization took effect after World War II, and it has since then accelerated considerably due to enhanced technological and communication infrastructure. The greatest growth in globalization occurred in the mid- 1980s when technology took the upper hand. With the enhanced technology, communication, and transportation, the comprehension of the happenings in the world became very easy and readily affordable. The increased liberation of trade further enhanced globalization as firms found it worthwhile to carry out the different phases of production in different count ries. Thereafter, the firms would shop around the globe to find the regions where they would sell their products and reap maximum profits. The World Trade Organization that was established in 1995 has played a great role in facilitating free trade, and at the same time, it has established ways to protect those nations that would be molested by super powered nations. Currently, international managers can easily manage their international firms by the aid of a computer. The internet, with the help of advanced software enables the international managers to monitor and manage the progress of all the activities of all the companyââ¬â¢s firms. The managers can shop around the internet, sell their products online, and purchase any product or service over the internet (De Blij, 2009). Generally, international trade in line with the advanced technology has made the world a global village. How international trade has effected globalization As discussed, international trade has played a cri tical role in paving the way for globalization. The world has simply become a global village out of the interdependent relationship that has developed across nations. There is increased integration of people, enhanced development of ideas, and enhanced financial activities among other pathways through which international trade has effected globalization. The different pathways are as discussed below. Enhanced trading activities In the contemporary world, the mercantilism trade system of ancient days does not apply as it only benefited one trade partner while the other partner suffered. With the growth of international trade, individuals and nations are becoming enlightened, and the colonial era is becoming extinct. Globalization is taking over the ruling of trade systems, where, countries being involved in international trade struggle to ensure that they reap maximum profits from the trading activities. Nations have made it their obligation to ensure they are involved in positive tr ade balance. International trade has made nations to be on toes as they struggle to ensure they have more exports than imports.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nations struggle to accumulate as much wealth as possible, and the process enhances the trading activities across nations. International organizations have enabled the globalization of trading activities by enhancing free trade and controlling all the trading activities (Cairncross, 2007). Nations can import raw materials as well as human resources with some expertise in a certain field. Further, the trading activities can take place across the internet without much struggles of commuting. The most interesting trade activity that has made the world a global village is the stock market trading activities. Globalization and the enhanced worldwide web has made it possible for investors to monitor the stock prices from anywhere in the world. People can easily connect to brokers from across the world, buy shares, sell them, and do all the stock trading activity as long as they are connected to the internet. International trade has influenced globalization by making things happen instantl y. Nowadays, people can do online shopping from across the globe the goods are delivered at their doorsteps. Companies do not have to struggle to market their products physically as the online service providers can do the service on their behalf. International trade and globalization has lead to the development of a healthy competitive market environment (McDaniel, 2000). Nations have found it worthwhile to set economic development goals that are to be achieved within a specified period. Globalization has enabled nations to embark on export-oriented strategies that enable the nations to reap maximum benefits from their international trade activities. Some nations, especially the first class nations find it worthwhile to import unprocessed raw materials at a considerably cheap price. The nations then process the raw materials into finished products and sell them at high prices that reap them maximum profits. In essence, international trade and globalization have made nations to embra ce a game of wits, where, only the intelligent players survive. The international organizations have always made it their obligation to ensure they protect nations that are prone to molestation in the name of international trade. Overall, it is right to conclude that international trade achieves globalization, which in return enhances the trading activities across nations. Improved transport system One of the core factors that influence international trade is the transportation industry. For any international trade to happen, products and services must be transported from one nation to another. In ancient days, people could use silk roads and products would take centuries to reach their intended destination. That meant that it was impossible for one to trade perishables. This and other sectors that had transportation difficulties influenced the inventors to work on developing efficient transport systems. The continued innovations and improvements of the earlier transport systems hav e ungraded the transport systems to increase their general capacity and throughput (Archibugi, Howells, Michie, 2000). Ever since international trade took full effect, the scale and volume of products and services traded have increased considerably. There was a considerable shift in international trade that achieved globalization in the mid 1980s. The improved transport sector decreased the time that products would take before reaching the desired consumer and there producers were able to have a more extensive market coverage than before (Engardio, 2007). Air transport is the fastest means of transport that have enabled traders to access markets for their products across the world. In earlier days, there were restrictions of those who would access the international transportation systems because it was quite costly. Therefore, people could only trade their products and services within the place of production as it could not be economically beneficial to pay for airfreights. However , the price of international transportation has decreased considerably. Moreover, the volume of products that one can transport internationally has had an increasing trend over time. This means that producers, especially those dealing with perishable products can expand their production without the fear of making losses. Secondly, the increased levels of production would mean that producers would enjoy the reduced production expenses because of the advantage associated with producing in a large economy of scale. The air transport system has contributed heavily in the expansion of international trading activities, which has facilitated globalization. There is more interdependence across the world, where, people are able to trade different products in different parts of the world. Water transportation has played a great role in enhancing the transportation of heavy goods. Continents have constructed harbors that enable them to enter and connect with the maritime shipping networks. Thr ough water transport, countries are able to obtain heavy commodities, spare parts and finished automobile products among other products. Starving nations in sub-Saharan Africa are able to obtain relieve food that is shipped all the way from the donor nations. Water transportation costs have decreased considerably with time and this is a clear indication trade would flourish. China, for example, has greatly benefited from water transport. Through the water transportation systems, the country is able to import uncountable number of containers of raw materials and export thousands of containers of manufactured goods. Rail and road transport takes on from the ports to transport the containers to the respective localities within the country. In essence, without international transport, international trade would be impossible (Bentes, Ettinger, Husisian, Povarchuk, Ryan, Simpson, Tretter, 2009). In fact, international transportation has had increased pressure because of the additional de mand of freight services. Similarly, ports and roads have had congestions, and this is a clear indication of increased international trade and globalization. Increased productivity International trade essentially means that firms have a wide market region. Therefore, the firms are obligated to increase their productivity to be able to meet the demands of the new markets that arise from one time to another. The increased productivity ensures that the firms enjoy the advantages of a large economy of scale. Moreover, international trade offers firms with the opportunity to use cheap resources like capital and labor. A firm, for example, is able to outsource raw materials and human resources at a considerably cheap price (Jeter, 2009). Given the fact that these are the two main factors of production, the farm is able to reduce its production cost considerably. Such a firm produces more efficiently and thus, it could increase its productivity. Nations can enhance their global efficiency by increasing productivity, trading their surplus and importing whatever the nation lacks. From this perspective, it is evident that nations work hard to increase their productivity, and thus have some surplus output for exportation purposes (Corona, 2011). International trade and globalization brings in interdependence amongst nations. While a nation may be producing an array of products, it may decide to focus on one sector that gives the highest level of income. With the focus on one sector, a firm would decide to enhance its production system and that would be one way of increasing its productivity. Moreover, a firm that foresees its expansion of its international trade would struggle to maintain a good relationship with its external suppliers. That would be a sure way of ensuring that the firm continuously obtains inputs at a reasonable price and thus, it can increase its productivity without necessarily having to undergo exaggerated input costs. International trade and the glo balised world have even enabled firms to increase their productivity though making openings in foreign countries. The foreign firms find it worthwhile to process the products in their various FDIââ¬â¢s instead on processing them in their headquarters and meeting the transportation costs to the markets. Moreover, firms can obtain lowered production costs in the foreign lands and that would generate some whopping profits to the firm. One of the countries that have increased its productivity considerably is China. China has consistently increased its productivity at par with the growing demand of products and availability of input resources. In essence, China supplies almost every type of product to the developing countries, and all nations globally should adapt Chinaââ¬â¢s habit. China is a great example of a nation that is at par with the globalizing world. Enhanced communication infrastructure The desire to communicate business matters efficiently is one of the core factors th at motivated inventors to invent ways to facilitate the communication process. The inventions of affluent communication systems have brought the world closer. Communication and the flow of information is the superhighway of international trade and the founders of the internet deserve credit as their inventions have contributed greatly to the worldââ¬â¢s economy (Bhagwati, 2002). The World Wide Web has made the world a global village as international managers in different geographical locations can now chat as if they are together. Currently, the communication process is simplified such that individuals can obtain responses within a shortened time. This factor has enabled international managers to coordinate their businesses across the globe with much ease. With the enhanced information technology and communication (ICT) systems, international managers can bargain the costs of production. They can easily communicate and find their way into regions where they can obtain high qualit y labor pools at considerably lowered prices. The enhanced ICT networks have enabled international firms to recruit their staff online, run seminars online, and send memos and any important and urgent information online. ICT enables the international managers to maneuver through the databases on their various FDIs, make comparisons, and determine the areas of weakness of a particular FDI. Further, ICT has greatly helped in the reduction of fraud cases as finance managers are obliged to avail financial data online. The managers can access the data and identify areas that appear fishy. Moreover, international managers are able to monitor their employees globally with the help of the ICT system. They can easily identify weak employees and identify their areas of weakness that need some reformation. The ICT systems also help in identifying strong employees and rewarding them accordingly. This factor has not only enhances international trade, but also brings the world closer. ICT has gre atly enhanced the interdependence of nations as business managers can even obtain human services without necessarily having to meet physically with the service providers. The ICT systems have played a great role in making worthwhile investment decision for international managers (McFarling, 2000). With the help of the ICT systems, international managers can easily obtain the physical and metrological information about a place. They can understand the economic processes, likely climatic changes, and political uproars that would affect their businesses in one way or another. With such critical information about a place, investors are able to forecast the economic environment and make wise investment decisions. If, for example, a country has a history of having political uproars every other time they carry out elections, it would not be worthwhile to invest in such a country during their election period. Investors would find it worthwhile to wait until the country regains stability bef ore it can think of investing. As expected, foreign investors who intend to do international trade or invest in a foreign land are likely to meet people with different cultures. With the enhanced ICT systems, the investors can research from the internet to find out about the cultural believes of the people in which they intend to invest. Currently, there are musical productions and computerized programs that can enable foreigners to learn about a communityââ¬â¢s cultural heritage and prepare psychologically on how to embrace the culture. In essence, ICT has played a great role in international trade. With everything computerized, the world is a global village. One can trade for products and services online without necessarily having to commute. E-commerce is an ICT-enabled application that enhances international trade by enabling people to get what they want across the globe. The new era of mobile phones and computers that are upgraded to do almost everything has made everything possible. There are computer programs that enable consumers to order items internationally, book flights online, reserve international hotels online, and even pay for the services online. The ICT systems have simplified things by enabling people to save on time and money to search for the readily available services. As large as it may be, the world is simply a global village in which one can go around in a matter of seconds with the help of the enhanced ICT systems. Enhanced financial activities The most important factor in any trade is the method of payment for the products and services traded. As evident, the buyer and seller may not meet physically as all the transactions are done either online or by the help of mobile phones. International trade has played a key role in keeping innovators on toes. In earlier days, transferring money internationally was costly and time consuming. Currently, that is not the case, as various online payment systems exist. The banks have coordinated with the online systems and they give message alerts to the client whenever an international transaction takes place though the mobile phones. The enhanced payment systems assure the sellers and buyers that they would trade without much difficulty. It is noteworthy that international trade exposes traders to the foreign exchange markets. These Over-The-Counter (OTC) markets do not involve any form of central exchange. This greatest development of the ICT systems has enabled international traders to manage their business globally. The international firm managers are able to reduce their transaction costs by eliminating the exchange and clearing fee. Although the foreign exchange markets exposes international firms to the risk of unanticipated changes in the currency exchange rates, the international managers have learnt to reap the best from the OTC markets. They make a detailed plan of their predicted costs and revenue flow, and evaluate the impact of a change of the prevailing exch ange rates (Stiglitz, 2006). Though contentious, some countries have set monitory policies to guide the exchange rates of their currencies. In addition to the enhanced financial pathways that have enhanced international trade and made the world a global village, the international organizations have played a great role in ensuring that the financial activities worldwide are in control (Epping, 2009). The World Bank, International Trade Organization, and other international organizations have taken an upper hand in controlling the valuation of currencies, banking, legal, and insurance activities of all international trading activities. In fact, the banks have gone ahead and made it possible to offer investment capital for international transactions. The letter of credit is sent to the exporter on the other side of the continent as a payment guarantee from the bank. The letter acts an assurance that the recipient will complete the payments upon delivery of the products. Some internatio nal firms operate under an insured environment in case of any damages. A cargo, for example, may take several weeks to reach its destination because of the long distance that is involved, and thus it needs some insurance cover, which some global financial organizations offer. The enhanced financial pathways of international trade have played a critical role in encouraging companies to take part in international trade (La Bella, 2010). Nowadays, the financial environment of international trade is somewhat standardized. In essence, the enhanced programs of the ICT systems have made the world a global village. The OTC markets enable international managers to control their FDIs across the world with much ease. Depending on their product line and the anticipated market, the managers could decide to diversify their line of production and ensure they earn maximum profits. The production systems, transport systems, insurance, and providence of investment capital are some of the factors that have enhanced globalization, and they have encouraged firms and individuals to take part in international trade. Strengthened relationship and Integration of people One thing that makes strong relationships is the assurance that a relationship would reap some mutual benefit to all the involved stakeholders. International trade has played a prominent role in many countries. The trade agreements between member countries provide a platform of building partnerships that enhance coordination of the governments. In fact, there have been cases where third world nations have pleaded with foreign investors to invest in their country to help in upgrading the sluggish economy. International trade has enabled undeveloped countries, mainly in Africa, to have the privilege of receiving products and services from esteemed organizations. From this perspective, the strengthened relationship brings in the interdependence factor amongst the involved individuals. Investors have found it worthwhile to invest in such nations because of the availability of cheap labor. Moreover, globalization and the enhanced technology play a prominent role in aiding the international management of the multinational firms across the globe (Ethier, 2001).The internet and the World Wide Web have enhanced international management. International trade and the global economy have resulted to the development and growth of integrated production processes. Ever since globalization came into being, there has been growing levels of integrated manufacturing services, financial services, and most importantly, distribution services (Brightbill, Laroski, Sullivan, Bentes, Smith, Wharwood, 2012). The integration of the services has enhanced the relationship of all the involved individuals. Obviously, for people to work in harmony, they have to develop a harmonious work environment. The whole process results into improved logistics in all the business processes. All stakeholders involved in international trade, regardless of their race, gender or color will work together for the betterment of their business. The whole process will lead to the improvement of the entire international trade pathways. The transport system would improve, resource exploitation would enhance, and most importantly, the transaction and legal environment would be supportive. All the entire complexities associated with international trade would simplify, and the volume of goods exchanged internationally would increase considerably. From the perspective of the development of strengthened relationships between the involved stakeholders, international trade has indeed achieved globalization (Gregory, 2007). International trade has strengthened the interdependence aspect between the involved stakeholders. All stakeholders understand and value each other. Unlike the earlier days when the whites would perceive Africa as a dark continent, international trade has brought a reason for the whites to value the products and serv ices from Africa. In fact, the whites have found it worthwhile to invest in sub-Saharan Africa, where they obtain cheap labor and ready market for their products. International trade has enabled the whites to generate massive volumes of wealth, and the laborers have some sense of satisfaction from the income they get from their hard work in international investments. International trade facilitates regional trade agreements, where, countries within a given geographical region come to an agreement to remove trade barriers. The countries trade freely and thus strengthens the relationship between trade partners. International managers would have the privilege of sharing ideas, experiences, products, and services across nations within one trade region (Morgan, Skinner, Bentes, Brophy, Chaklader, DeFrancesco, Henter, 2013). The regional economic integrations enhance international management by constructing broadened governance profiles and agendas that enhance economic growth. Regional trade agreements have offered a platform that enhances political stability, harmonization, and security among member countries. Countries that had grudges with their neighboring countries are free to integrate, learn business ideas, and compete for the common advantage of both countries. International trade, globalization, and regional economic integrations create a healthy competition across countries and amongst international businesses. The countries struggle to ensure they are at par with their competitors (Sirkin, 2008). Similarly, international managers are kept on toes to ensure they are at par with their competitors. Overall, the healthy competition brought about by international trade, globalization, and regional integration not only strengthens the relationship between the involved parties, but it also plays a critical role in expanding international trade. Enhanced economic landscape International trade is very risky, and any entrepreneur can find it difficult to engage i n the trade. However, the international organizations, technological industries, heads of states, and all involved stakeholders are trying their best to enhance the economic landscape for international trade by simplifying custom procedures and removing trade barriers. In the recent past, there were notable trade impediments, prolonged clearance times, and other inconveniences while handling import or export products particularly in the less developed nations. Nowadays, the international trade organizations are working hand in hand with the heads of states of such nations to ensure they address all the above-named hindrances (Cox, 2005). The notable efforts to abolish the difficulties in carrying out international trade include the emergence of trade blocks, decreased tariffs, as well as approaches to promote international trade. In the recent past, increased levels of economic integration have enhanced international trade. Evidently, upgraded transport networks enhance trade flows and international transactions. Regional trade integrations have been on the rise and the efforts have created free trade zones amongst countries. Governments have facilitated export-oriented activities and even collaborated with banks to act as guarantees while handling foreign monies. It is evident that the enhanced economic environment has played a great role in encouraging firms and individuals to participate in international trade. Moreover, the enhanced technological systems have played a prominent role in aiding international trade and management of multinational firms across the globe. The trade standardization concerns have greatly benefited international traders who have access to reliable information that offers them with the confidence to trade globally. The international traders and consumers are assured of receiving high quality products that have met the international standards. In essence, the enhanced economic landscape has brought a lot of transparency in internati onal trade. A set of new firms are considering entering into international trade to access greater opportunities of growth and development (Gupta Choudhry, 2007). International trade is slowly pulling people to live, work, trade, and depend on one another in the globalized world. Specialized production and the enhanced economic lifestyles Although international trade is somewhat risky and challenging, countries that are actively engaged in international trade can attest that they have somewhat benefited from engaging in international trade (Archibugi Michie, 2007). The economic lifestyles of the citizens of countries in East Asian, Hong Kong, Korea, and Singapore have improved because of international trade that has influenced globalization. Supposing there was no international trade, nations would only produce enough products for domestic use. This would simply mean that only a few nations would be self sufficient to sustain some adequate living standards. Hunger, malnutrition, a nd non-industrialization experiences would be prevalent in most nations. In essence, international trade and globalization have played a significant role in enhancing the economic life styles in most developing nations. Through globalization, third world nations access electronics that are manufactured in industrialized nations. In return, the developing nations would produce raw agricultural products, export the surplus, and earn some foreign income. In essence, international trade achieved globalization by enhancing the dependency across nations. The stakeholders of international trade accumulate as much wealth as possible, and thus, they are able to enhance their living standards. As indicated earlier, no nation is self-sufficient (Bhagwati, 2004). While one nation produces oil, for example, the other nation is able to produce agricultural products and the two nations trade their products. International trade has enabled nations to maximize productivity of the items that the nati ons can produce, and sell the surplus to nations that need their products. African nations are well known for their production of agricultural products. It would be more expensive to produce electronics and automobiles in sub-Saharan Africa than in the US or Japan; or rather, the region would lack the expertise to produce electronics and automobiles. International trade enables every nation to engage in specialization by efficiently producing what it can in large scales. As evident, specialization is one of the factors that have played a great role in ensuring that people produce what they can best. It is the only sure way of deriving wealth without many struggles. Specialization enables the producers to have reduced production costs, increase productivity, and generate surplus for commercial purposes (DeCarlo, 2011). In the recent past, the international transport systems have experienced an increased in the number of items to transport internationally. This is a clear indication t hat specialization has enabled firms and individuals to have growing shares in the international market. International trade has effected globalization in this manner by strengthening the relationship across nations. Since the 1980s, the developing nations have recorded increasing volumes of agricultural products exports. This is a clear indication that the nations are slowly diversifying and thus, they are improving their living standards. Conclusion From the discussions, it is evident that without international trade, only a few nations would manage to live decently. Indeed, international trade allows consumers to access a variety of resources from around the globe. Oil, for example, is not found everywhere, but the entire world uses automobiles that consume oil because it is traded internationally. The Chinese are well known for their labor, and globalization has enabled them to travel around the world to offer their construction services. Agricultural products, automobiles, elec tronics, and everything else that one can think of is readily available across the globe because of globalization and international trade. Strengthened interdependence enhances specialization, which enables nations to adhere to one line of production, thus lowering the productivity costs and increasing productivity. Foreign investors are accumulating wealth from their FDIs while employees in the FDIs earn decent wages that enhance their lifestyles. Producers are assured of the ready market for their products. An increase in the demand of products globally motivates the producers to produce additional products. Increased productivity is a clear indication of enhanced lifestyles. It indicates that there is an increase in the number of people and firms finding their way into trading internationally. Increased international trade means that nations are developing and that the international economic pathways are becoming user friendly from time to time. Indeed, international trade has ac hieved globalization as it has enhanced interdependence amongst nations; a world without international trade is just unimaginable. References Archibugi, D., Michie, J. (2007). Technology, globalization and economic performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: Archibugi, D., Howells, J., Michie, J. (2000). Innovation policy in a global economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bentes, P. M., Davis, S. K., Ryan, J. M., Sales, M., Underwood, J. D. (2011). International trade. The International Lawyer, 45(1), 79-94. Bentes, P. M., Ettinger, S. J., Husisian, G., Povarchuk, V. A., Ryan, J. M., Simpson, M. T., Tretter, M. R. (2009). International trade. The International Lawyer, 43(2), 335-365. Bhagwati, J. N. (2002). Free trade today. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Bhagwati, J.N. 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Morgan, C. O., Skinner, C. H., Bentes, P. M., Brophy, S. W., Chaklader, J., DeFrancesco, H., Robert E. Henter, C.S. (2013). International trade. The International Lawyer, 47(4), 81-97. Sirkin, H.L. (2008). Globality: Competing w ith everyone from everywhere for everything. New York: Business Plus. Soros, G. (2002). George Soros on globalization. New York: Public Affairs. Stiglitz, J.E. (2006). Making globalization work. New York: W.W. Norton Co. This research paper on International Trade and Its Effects on Globalization was written and submitted by user Bowen P. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Tensions in Relationships the Dialectical Perspective Essays
Tensions in Relationships the Dialectical Perspective Essays Tensions in Relationships the Dialectical Perspective Paper Tensions in Relationships the Dialectical Perspective Paper The Dialectical Perspective Name Fundamentals of Speech Professor Date The relational dialectics perspective is useful for understanding the ups and downs and sometimes illogical nature of interpersonal relationships. Developed by communication scholars Leslie Baxter, Barbara Montgomery and their colleagues, the dialectical perspective assumes that relationships keep changing. They are not maintained, but rather sustained through changing statuses. There are three sets of tensions that are common in relationships: integration-separation; stability-change; and expression-privacy. The first dialectic identified is integration ââ¬â separation, more commonly known as autonomy versus connection. This is the tension in a relationship where either partner desires to be independent but also connected. The desire for different levels of autonomy and connection can generate friction in relationships. In the initial phase of the relationship we are like actors in a play trying to please the audience. But we cannot repress who we are for too long. Eventually we have to let our true selves show. An example of this is when a couple is in the beginning stages of the relationship, they are spending all of their time together and all is going fine. As time goes along either partner wants to start doing things independently. He/she wants to hang out with friends and have ââ¬Å"alone timeâ⬠. This can create tension in the relationship because the partner might not want to be left out. It is very common for the relationship to become strained at this point. It is a contrast from spending great amounts of time together; and either partner can feel betrayed. A solution for this would be for the couple to have an open discussion about the amount of time that they are willing and/or able to devote to each other on a daily basis. In a bonded relationship, both partners must be direct and honest about their expectations and needs. Other examples might be one partner likes to watch football all the time and can be consumed in it and the other hates sports. There needs to be a compromise made so that both partners get equal time at doing what they like to do while enjoying time with each other. Or, one relational partner is a social butterfly and the other is a social hermit. The point is that we do tend to get together with partners who will test our patience and force us to grow through finding ways to co-exist and resolving problems. The second dialectic identified is stability ââ¬â change, more commonly known as predictability versus novelty. This refers to the tension in a relationship where either party of the relationship wants the stability of a relationship but at the same time wants to be able to enjoy spontaneity. The tension of predictability versus novelty can present itself in a couple of ways. First, many couples struggle to balance the tension between their need for stability and their desire for excitement. Getting tired of doing the ââ¬Å"same old thingâ⬠is always going to be an issue in any relationship. Individuals that are involved in a developing relationship become comfortable with knowing what is going to happen next. However, always knowing what is going to happen next can become extremely boring. What can we do to spice up a relationship? We could easily change the routine a little bit. Do something that you donââ¬â¢t normally do together. If you normally donââ¬â¢t go out on dates ââ¬â then go out on a date. If you normally donââ¬â¢t buy each other gifts ââ¬â then buy a small gift every once in a while. If you normally donââ¬â¢t vacation ââ¬â take a vacation together. Now, let us look at the relationship that is always unpredictable. These relationships are just as likely to be in trouble as the predictable ones. As a couple you also need to have stability in your life. What if you never knew where your relationship was headed? Being able to predict the status of your relationship is a good thing. Whichever relationship you have, working towards a healthy balance between predictability and novelty will help to maintain a healthy relationship. Second, in a new relationship, a relational partner will tend to overlook little nuances in the other partner. They will focus on the positive points about each other and look past the behaviors that they donââ¬â¢t like about each other. After time, we have difficulty accepting our partnerââ¬â¢s flaws and will try to change them. Think about it this way ââ¬â Am I acceptable the way I am? For every one thing that we would like to change about our partner, they equally have something that they would like to change about us. We need to learn that we cannot change people. But what we can change is our viewpoint. By changing our viewpoints, we can transform the way we see relationships. The third dialectic identified is expression ââ¬â privacy, more commonly known as openness versus closedness. This refers to the tensions in a relationship where one party wants to be completely open and share everything with their partner while on the other hand the other partner feels that they should be able to keep some things private and to their selves. If two people in a relationship are different on this count, they will need to work hard and be proactive to manage this tension or this can become a deal breaker. The primary reason that two people in a relationship canââ¬â¢t get along is because of the past. As couples we need to learn to leave the past in the past and move forward into the present. Stay in the present; donââ¬â¢t start a new relationship dragging relational baggage into the new situation. Some people feel that they need to open up to their partner about every aspect of their lives. This is how they signify trust and become one entity; the couple. Others can feel that if they open up too much or reveal too much they may be judged or abandoned. This type of person feels that each person has a right to a certain degree of privacy, therefore, retaining some of his or her individuality. The goal here is to attain some sort of balance and avoid disagreements. These needs should be addressed in a normal tone of voice, without being demeaning or accusatory. In closing, what have we learned? We have learned that these three relational dialectics are simply put, communication. Poor communication is often the root of relationship problems. Neither partner can read the other partnerââ¬â¢s mind, so without communication there is no hope for a harmonious relationship. Without communicating, you cannot make fair and balanced agreements about what does and does not work for both of you. Beebe, Steven A. , Susan J. Beebe and Diana K. Ivy. Communication Principles For A Lifetime. Boston: Allyn amp; Bacon, 2010. Jennie. Jens Love Lessons. 2011. 05 March 2012 lt;www. jenslovelessons. comgt;. Sutphen, Dick and Carol Morgan. Radical Relationship Resource. n. d. 03 March 2012 lt; radical-relationship-resource. com/index. phpgt;.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Battle of Coronel in World War I
Battle of Coronel in World War I Battle of Coronel - Conflict: The Battle of Coronel was fought off central Chile in the early months of World War I (1914-1918). Battle of Coronel - Date: Graf Maximilian von Spee won his victory on November 1, 1914. Fleets Commanders: Royal Navy Rear Admiral Sir Christopher CradockArmored Cruisers HMS Good Hope HMS Monmouth Light Cruiser HMS Glasgow Converted Liner HMS Otranto Kaiserliche Marine Admiral Graf Maximilian von SpeeArmored Cruisers SMS Scharnhorst SMS Gneisenau Light Cruisers SMS Nurnberg, SMS Leipzig, SMS Dresden Battle of Coronel - Background: Based at Tsingtao, China, the German East Asiatic Squadron was the only German naval squadron overseas at the outbreak of World War I. Composed of the armored cruisers SMS Scharnhorst and SMS Gneisenau, as well as two light cruisers, the fleet was commanded by Admiral Maximilian von Spee. An elite unit of modern ships, von Spee had personally selected the officers and crews. With the wars start in August 1914, von Spee began making plans to abandon his base at Tsingtao before he was trapped by British, Australian, and Japanese forces. Charting a course across the Pacific, the squadron commenced a campaign of commerce raiding and frequented British and French islands seeking targets. While at Pagan, Captain Karl von Muller asked if he could take his ship, the light cruiser Emden on a solo cruise through the Indian Ocean. This request was granted and von Spee continued on with three ships. After sailing to Easter Island, his squadron was reinforced in mid-October 1914, by the light cruisers Leipzig and Dresden. With this force, von Spee intended to prey upon British and French shipping on the west coast of South America. Battle of Coronel - British Response: Alerted to von Spees presence, the British Royal Navy began making plans to intercept and destroy his squadron. The closest force in the area was Rear Admiral Christopher Cradocks West Indies Squadron, consisting of the older armored cruisers HMS Good Hope (flagship) and HMS Monmouth, as well as the modern light cruiser HMS Glasgow and the converted liner HMS Otranto. Aware that Cradocks force was badly outgunned, the Admiralty dispatched the elderly battleship HMS Canopus and the armored cruiser HMS Defence. From his base in the Falklands, Cradock sent Glasgow ahead into the Pacific to scout for von Spee. By late October, Cradock decided that he could not wait any longer for Canopus and Defence to arrive and sailed for the Pacific unreinforced. Rendezvousing with Glasgow off Coronel, Chile, Cradock prepared to search for von Spee. On October 28, First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill issued orders to Cradock to avoid a confrontation as reinforcements might be available from the Japanese. It is not clear whether Cradock received this message. Three days later, the British commander learned via a radio intercept that one of von Spees light cruisers, SMS Leipzig was in the area. Battle of Coronel - Cradock Crushed: Moving to cut off the German ship, Cradock steamed north and ordered his squadron into battle formation. At 4:30 PM, Leipzig was sighted, however it was accompanied by von Spees entire squadron. Rather than turn and run south towards Canopus, which was 300 miles away, Cradock opted to stay and fight, though he did direct Otranto to flee. Maneuvering his faster, larger ships out of range of the British, von Spee opened fire around 7:00 PM, when Cradocks force was clearly silhouetted by the setting sun. Hitting the British with accurate fire, Scharnhorst crippled Good Hope with its third salvo. Fifty-seven minutes later, Good Hope sank with all hands, including Cradock. Monmouth was hit badly as well, with its green crew of recruits and reservists fighting valiantly though ineffectively. With his ship burning and disabled, Monmouths captain ordered Glasgow to flee and warn Canopus, rather than attempt to tow his ship to safety. Monmouth was finished off by the light cruiser SMS Nurnberg and sank at 9:18 PM with no survivors. Though pursued by Leipzig and Dresden, both Glasgow and Otranto were able to make good their escape. Battle of Coronel - Aftermath: The defeat off Coronel was the first suffered by a British fleet at sea in a century and unleashed a wave of outrage across Britain. In order to deal with the threat posed by von Spee, the Admiralty assembled a large task force centered on the battlecruisers HMS Invincible and HMS Inflexible. Commanded by Admiral Sir Frederick Sturdee, this force sunk all but the light cruiser Dresden at the Battle of the Falkland Islands on December 8, 1914. Admiral von Spee was killed when his flagship, Scharnhorst sank. Casualties at Coronel were one-sided. Cradock lost 1,654 killed and both of his armored cruisers. The Germans escaped with only three wounded. Selected Sources Massie, Robert K., Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany and the Winning of the Great War at Sea. New York: Random House, 2003.Battle of CoronelBattles, 1914: Battle of Coronel
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Compare and contrast a peer-to-peer and client server networks Essay
Compare and contrast a peer-to-peer and client server networks - Essay Example Therefore, while using the client-server network, it remains customary to purchase a computer that would be used as a server. The server softwareââ¬â¢s cost is another disadvantage of the client-server network. In fact, establishment of the client-server networks sometimes proves so expensive that choosing this option seems like an uninformed decision. Nevertheless, the structure of the client-server network offers different kinds of powerful administrative tools that are specifically useful when security becomes an issue. On the other hand, peer-to-peer networks are cost effective to develop as there is no need of a high-end machine to serve as a server. Likewise, while using peer-to-peer networks, there is no need of special client licenses or server software. All that is required to efficiently use the peer-to-peer network comes with the Windows 95. Because of this affordability, peer-to-peer networks become quite suitable for use in small businesses or for the domestic users. However, security is sacrificed in the use of peer-to-peer network since the control of network lies in the hands of the end users, which makes it unsuitable for the high-security
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Physical Environment Of South And East Asia Essay
Physical Environment Of South And East Asia - Essay Example The islands have not be left behind as they also boast of rivers such as the Borneo and the Indonesian rivers. Extensive lowland is also another feature that is evident in the region and is separated by the mountain ranges and the forested hills. As a resulted of the physical conditions in the region, the people are taking part in rice planting on the fertile plains. This is seen in places such as Burma and Vietnam. Long coastlines have formed an important physical aspect of the region that promotes trade among the people and movement from one region to another. Another evident physical feature in the region is the presence of the seas that are marked by shallow ends and few deep underground trenches. As a result, they are warm throughout the year and are not saline. These conditions are favorable for the growth and prevalence of sea fish, coral, and seaweeds. The regionââ¬â¢s landscape is dominated by mountains whose peaks are below ten thousand feet. The mountains form a very in tegral part of the region as they seem to create political and geographical boundaries. Indian and China are separated by the Northern and Western highlands thus forming a major factor that separates the two regions. Cordilleras in the region are three and seem to run north to south. The cordilleras include a Bilauktaung range that lies between Thailand and Myanmar, the Arakan Yoma range that is located in western part of Myanmar and the Annam Cordillera that marks the boundary between Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Key Industry Trends regarding H & R Block :: essays research papers
Key Industry Trends Economics à à à à à Many factors of the economy help to indicate certain trends in the tax industry. The Gross Domestic Product has been calculated at an increase of 3.9% the first quarter of 2004. Consumer spending has also increased .4% from the last year. Both of these statistics may indicate an upward trend in the nationââ¬â¢s economy. A consumer may have more disposable income therefore, they may be more apt to spend their extra money on a tax preparation service. This would reveal a positive effect for H&R Block. The unemployment rate has increased nationally while the employment rate is decreasing. This may result in a decrease of the amount of tax returns that H&R Block files annually, due to the amount of taxpayers that have become unemployed. Either these people may have no taxes to file due to their job loss, or they may not have the extra money to pay for a tax preparation service. If a person is out of work then they may have the extra time to file their taxes in thei r own time. Demographics à à à à à There are many trends in national population characteristics that indicate both opportunities and threats to H&R Block. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that the U.S. will experience a large increase of the Hispanic, Asian, and many other ethnic populations. This will create a large demand for employees that are at least bi-lingual. H&R Block also has an opportunity to open temporary offices in parts of the country that would benefit consumers requiring an employee to speak their native language. à à à à à The U.S. Census Bureau has also indicated an increase in the percentage of the nationââ¬â¢s population that is college educated. This may pose a threat to the tax preparation industry. A person that has received at least a 4-year college degree may obtain the knowledge to prepare their own taxes, thus eliminating their demand for a tax preparation service. On the other hand, their college education may indicate an ability to earn a better income, so they would require the services of an organization like H&R Block. à à à à à With the baby boomers now entering their fifties, birthrates indicate fewer births and more deaths among the population. This would obviously result in less people needing to file taxes, therefore less demand for a tax preparation service. It is important for an organization to analyze the appropriate economic factors and respond with the correct actions so that they may maintain a competitive advantage within their industry.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Exercise Research Paper Essay
Exercise is a very important part of a personââ¬â¢s lifestyle. It effects vary from your physical appearance, your body type, to your relationship with nutrition, your cholesterol, hypertension, heart diseases, and your immune system. The type of exercise that is done affects what part of your body that you exercise, and the duration as well as if it is done in the correct sequence varies the results. In the human body there are three muscle groups. The smooth muscle covers organs such as the spleen, liver, etc. The cardiac muscles are the muscles within your heart. The skeletal muscles are the muscles that allow for movement. There are many different exercises that can be done, each one working out something different in the body. All exercises should be comprised of a warm up period, a comprehensive exercise period (main workout), and a cool down period. The warm up should consist of 5-10 minutes of a mixture of stretching and low cardio exercise. For the comprehensive exercise period there should be about an hour of more intense cardio followed by if wanted a 30 minute weight training period. Finally there should be a 5-10 minute cool down period consisting of light cardio followed by stretching. The length of your exercise routine creates the type of workout you receive. A longer work makes you tired, when you are tired your muscles have to work harder and that is when you truly get your workout. There are three body types that humans are classified into. Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorphs. Each body type is different in structure. Ectomorphs tend to have narrow shoulders, thin narrow faces with high foreheads, thin narrow chests and abdomens, thin arms and legs, and little body fat. Mesomorphs have large heads, broad shoulders, narrow waists, tending to have muscular bodies with strong forearms and thighs. They have very little body fat, and are genetically gifted tending to become body builders. They have long torsos, full chest, and a good shoulder to waist ratio. Endomorphs have wide hips and narrow shoulders (pear shaped), have quite a lot of fat across the body and have slim ankles and wrists. They tend to have a slower metabolism, and weight gain is easy compared to weight loss. They have wide bone structure and tend to store fat that covers muscles. There are many different important aspects that must be paired with exercise to create a better quality of life. One very important aspect is nutrition. The way you eat affects your exercise. If you eat properly you will have more energy to exercise. There also is an important relationship between exercise and your cholesterol. Exercise tends to lower LDL cholesterol, which is your bad cholesterol. It also increases your HDL cholesterol, which is your good cholesterol. Exercise also has a positive relationship with hypertension. Hypertension, or your blood pressure, is lowered by exercise. Exercise also affects your risk at developing heart disease. The more you exercise the less chance of you developing heart disease. Lastly exercise helps to strengthen your immune system, allowing for your body to fight off infections. All in all exercise is a very important part of a personââ¬â¢s lifestyle. When paired with the correct nutrition it can lead very positive effects. It is important to remember that you can change everything about yourself with exercise; it just takes a lot of hard work before you reap in the benefits.
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